Assessment Tools

Getting bad reviews on job websites?
Having hiring and retention problems?
Do you need to assess your culture or leaders?

Our assessments will help you identify challenges that need to be addressed for your organization to attract and keep top talent!

View the various Awareness Tools below.:

1. The Achiever® is An Aptitude and Personality Assessment Tool that measures our natural tendencies. Through this unique assessment and the recognition of strengths, further training and development can enhance his or her effectiveness, productivity, and job satisfaction. This tool can be used to evaluate where you or your employee’s talents and skills can be used most effectively. They can also be used to determine the type of training that will assist an employee becoming more effective, giving you the best return on your training investment dollars.

2. The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) is a unique assessment that effectively measures an individual’s energetic impact on themselves and the world around them.
It measures three specific things:

  1. Level of engagement in many areas of life - personal AND professional
  2. Level of awareness; and,
  3. Level of ability to effectively achieve personal success and motivate others.

We can help you develop a personally effective style of leadership that will positively influences and changes not only yourself, but also those with whom you work and interact, as well as your organization as a whole.

Leaders can use the ONI to create an environment that will attract and retain better associates and, in turn, achieve better operating results. To do that, leaders must recognize that the first step is making dramatic changes in the way organizations are designed and managed. Learning how things actually are and what they can be is next. Then comes a plan for the future … a plan that is based upon a clear sense of direction and purpose. Finally, a plan of action is implemented to begin moving toward the desired future. The ONI instrument was designed to facilitate this process.

The ONI consists of a 126-item survey in which participants describe conditions as they exist at present (“actual”) and as they would exist under ideal circumstances. In most instances, an LMI affiliate administers the survey to ensure its reliability and the autonomy of participants. LMI then processes the confidential responses and prepares a comprehensive report that pinpoints areas of concern.

The ONI report consists of an Executive Summary, Factor Scores, and Item Scores.

Executive Summary — This report details the members’ perceptions of the organization.

Factor Scores — These scores focus attention on specific group factors, such as years with the company, gender, age, and position within the company.

Item Scores — The Item Scores focus on specific, concrete beliefs, perceptions, and practices.

The Development Needs Inventory — a 360-degree instrument that is administered over the internet — was designed to help managers, supervisors and other leaders to understand their strengths and development needs better. Customized to meet the client’s needs, it consists of 10 Standard Scales and up to 13 Optional Scales. The results of the DNI, along with the Interpretation and Feedback Session, gives participants a sound basis for setting development goals and tracking their development over a period of time. The information facilitates individual growth and progress, increasing the overall effectiveness of the organization.

The Development Needs Inventory was designed with one primary objective in mind … to help leaders lead more effectively. Other objectives which support this primary objective are:

  • To identify a leader’s strengths and most pressing development needs.
  • To help leaders plan for their own leadership development, moving from understanding to action.
  • To assist leaders in making intelligent choices among alternative leadership practices.
  • To call attention to the critical relationship between a company’s structure, culture, and typical leadership practices and the success and failure of a given leadership style.
  • To provide a framework for transitioning from a traditional bureaucracy to a flexible, rapid response team or for making informed choices on why no transition is needed.
  • To help leaders lead in ways that get results that are personally satisfying, morally sound, and that empower, rather than overpower, subordinates.

The DNI serves three purposes:

  1. To help you better understand your own managerial practices, providing a basis for increasing effectiveness as a leader and for planning a more realistic career.
  2. To help you understand how other people in the organization view your leadership practices and determine whether you see yourself as others see you. Armed with these insights, you can test the validity of your own self-perceptions, improve your human relations, lead and manage more effectively, and plan your career more realistically.
  3. To serve as a basis for setting personal development goals and for tracking your development over a period of time.